姓 名 :杜素芳
民 族 :汉
学 历:本科
职 务:河北省第十一届青联委员,河北省现代物流协会理事会理事,河北自贸区(正定片区)供应链管理专业委员会副会长,河北省区块链联盟--区块链与基金专委会副主任
l Been occupied in the line of foreign trade for over 20 years and has a deep understanding for all of the links of this chain, practical experience, customs formalities and commodity inspection. Participated multiple times in over-limit equipment transportation projects. l Keep abreast of industry trends, keep up with the national policy, leading the development of logistics industry, and always walking in the logistics industry. l With 15years marketing development and business administration experience, “moisten things silently” of demeanor, “details determine success or failure” of management characteristic. |
l 外贸行业耕耘20年,对国际贸易链条中的各个环节均有深刻的认知,实战经验丰富,熟知海关及商检流程,多次参与超限设备运输方案。 l 时刻关注行业动态,紧跟国家政策,引领货代行业发展新方向,业务始终走在货代行业前沿。 l 15年的市场拓展和企业管理经验,做事风格“润物细无声”,管理特点“细节决定成败”。 |
Don’t care what people say and how to say, the most important thing whether it can give you inspiration.